The publication of Maserati's 2024 production figures by the FIM CISL trade union is enough to leave anyone in a state of shock. After the already worrying figures for the electric Fiat 500now it's the turn of the Trident brand to post catastrophic results, with unprecedented drops in production. The brand Maserati will have produced, by 2024, less than Lamborghini and Ferrari.
Plant | 2023 | 2024 | Evolution |
Mirafiori (GT/GC) | 8680 | 2250 | -74 % |
Modena (MC20) | 1244 | 260 | -79 % |
Cassino (Grecale) | 17242 | 7250 | -58 % |
27166 | 9760 | -64 % |
Mirafiori: a dramatic plunge
The historic Mirafiori plant, which until mid-2024 produced iconic models such as the Ghibli, Quattroporte and Levante, is now only producing the GranTurismo and Grancabrio. The transition to a more limited range has been abrupt, and this is reflected in the figures: Mirafiori produced just 2,250 units in 2024, a staggering drop of 74.08 % compared with 2023.
Unfortunately, this staggering decline is not isolated. The outlook for the Mirafiori plant in 2025 is hardly any brighter, with production figures set to continue to plummet as the range and demand shrink.
Modena and Cassino: significant declines
In ModenaThe situation is hardly any better, with production bordering on disaster. The figures show a drop of 79.1 % compared with 2023, from 1,244 units to just 260.. This reduction concerns MC20 production only.
At Cassino, which also produces the Alfa Romeo Giulia and Stelvio, the situation is slightly less catastrophic, though still worrying. Maserati Grecale production has fallen by 58 % in 2024, reaching just 7,250 units compared with 17,242 in 2023.. This decrease also highlights Maserati's difficulties in maintaining sufficient volumes, even for a model like the Grecale.
A call to action from Stellantis
Total figures for 2024 reveal an overall drop of 64.07 % in Maserati productionfrom 27,166 units in 2023 to just 9,760 units in 2024. An abrupt decline that highlights the brand's deep-seated difficulties. In one year, Maserati has lost over 17,000 units, and the outlook for the following year shows no sign of improvement.
Faced with such a drop in production figures, it's becoming crucial for Stellantis to review its strategy. If the brand is to avoid further decline, it is imperative that it quickly unveils its new product. a structured, hard-hitting product planto boost production and sales. Time is running out, and if Stellantis wants to avoid even more disastrous figures in 2025, now is the time to act.
It's terrifying!
It's not a product plan that's needed, especially if it's overseen by Imparato, who has already shown what he's not capable of at Alfa Romeo.
EVERYONE knows the 2 main reasons why Maserati plunged to 2023 and then especially 2024:
- the stratospheric rise in Tavarian prices, which were already high compared with the competition.
- the arbitrary decision to leave, and without transition, on the electric 100%.
Now, on top of that, we'll have to deal with a management team that's part PSA (they've never been able to launch DS, so managing Maserati, you can imagine), so with a design that's probably anything but distinctive in the good sense of the word, and probably some penny-pinching all round.
In short, Maserari was already a mess before Stellantis, and since then it's been a disaster, so it's urgent to reverse these 2 idiotic decisions and remove as much as possible of what comes from PSA.
Then there's the separation of Maserati and Ferrari, a decision taken before the merger by Elkann.
Maserati has also lost a lot by no longer offering Ferrari engines...
Elkann also bears a huge responsibility, it's true.
I'd like to say that Maserati and Alfa Romeo are 2 jewels, but if the managers and owners of these 2 historic brands don't like them, if they abandon them, if they squeeze the lemon to the last drop, what can we do? We're not going to buy electric Maseratis that are less efficient yet more expensive than their competitors, or Alfa Romeos with PureTech or even with good engines, but which will have to be "maintained"/"destroyed" in Stellantis garages, which are in reality PSA garages.
You can put all your goodwill and budget into it, but at some point it's going to go to BMW, Mazda, Lexus, Toyota...
We have to change everything, from floor to ceiling, EVERYTHING. It's a matter of urgency.
Catastrophic management, catastrophic results.
This brand has been run by nickel-faced people.
In my opinion, Santo Ficili is the right person, but will he be able to influence the strategy?
That's the question!
Santo Ficili has no experience of managing a premium or luxury brand.
At Stellantis, power does not lie with the brand managers, but with the heads of the Group's major departments: heads of the Europe, America, Africa/Middle East, Asia, India/Oceania regions, heads of engineering, supply chain, purchasing, heads of major vehicle family programs, etc...
Das sind die Folgen von der bekloppten EU die die Welt retten will mit ihrer CO2 Spinnerei,durch immer höhere CO2 Steuern kämpfen viele ums Überleben, besonders auch die Speditionen, die wenn sie nicht aufgeben, den Preis an die Kunden weiter geben müssen, auch die E Mobilität ist gescheitert, was die Dummheit an Managern und Grünen nicht wahr haben wollen.
Guten Tag!
Mein rein subjektiver Eindruck ist, dass sich PSA bei der Fusion mit FCA hin zu Stellantis zu sehr eingemischt hat.
Insbesondere bei den Fiat-Premiummarken wie Maserati, Alfa Romeo und Lancia hätten im Vorfeld mit Prototypenvorstellungen auf den einschlägigen Automobilmessen die potentiellen Kundenvorstellungen "eingefangen" werden können. Ein Beispiel ist die Giulia von Alfa Romeo, welche viele gerne wieder auch als Sportwagon-Variante gesehen und auch gekauft hätten. Solche potentielle Interessenten wandern dann eben zu MB, BMW, Audi, Jaguar oder Volvo ab.
Dazuhin ist dem Management Panikmache anzugreifen, indem mit Begrifflichkeiten " Straffung der Produktpalette ", " reine Stromermodelle " zuerst einmal die loyalen Markenkunden und Fans sowie potentielle Interessenten verunsichert werden. Die Auswirkungen sind jetzt sichtbar geworden.
Il declino di maserati, è aver cessato la produzione di auto stupende come la ghibli e la levante ,le uniche ad aver venduto realmente nel mondo ed ancora bellissime senza nessun motivo . Queste auto avrebbero venduto ancora ed ancora e ora essere rimasti con pochi modelli ma non dello stesso livello. E soprattutto aver abbandonato il V6 E IL V8 disel e benzina per auto a batteria che nessun vuole, quando le altre Marche di automobili importanti continuano a produrre ancora . Questo e il disastro, ora producono 2 modelli di auto elettriche che nessuno vuole È UN SUICIDIO
Ero interessato a una Grecale noleggio.
Con gli stessi soldi prendo una Macan.
Parlo di Porsche non di Asia car...senza nulla togliere..quando il marchio non sara'solo immagine ma concretezza allora siiii.
Ma la strada da fare e'prendere clienti.
Mi spiace dirlo!!! Mi spiace.. I clienti si prendono con il tempo.Specie x queste auto
Stesso prezzo Macan. Non dice nulla??
Prima prendere clienti poi si vede...
Strada lunga e di sacrificio poi i frutti
Altrimenti non si va da nessuna parte
An absolute disaster, greed destroyed Maserati as always. Story keep repeating itself, you wonder why they keep hitting the nail the same way. They keep wanting to state that they are better than Porsche by always being more expensive. However, look the aftermath. Absolute joke of a company. Not even a retard would destroy it as Maserati has done to itself. With Grecale, they only had to look at the life journey of Levante and not replete the same errors. Instead what do they do? apply the same greedy tactics and go even harder. That's what you get when you hero is bigger than what you are worth. Now you can shut down the company and hope some lunatic buys it off you. Well done you useless donkeys.
Mein MC 20 wird ewig laufen!
Die Welt hat nichts übrig für Schönheit und Eleganz.
sind im Zeitalter der hirnamputierten Proleten und Olligarchenversteher.
Maserati ist immer wieder Opfer von restlos unfähigen Anti Auto Manager.
( In Deutschland ist das normal... volchs wochen)