Fiat will be back with a bang with the 500. The hybrid version, which will hit the market in a few months' time, promises to be a model of choice for consumers looking for an economical, ecologically sound and well-equipped city car, full of dolce vita.
Since 2020, Fiat has relaunched the 500 on a new, exclusively electric STLA City platform. This model got off to a promising start, supported by purchase incentives in Germany and France. However, when these incentives disappeared, sales fell rapidly, from around 65,000 registrations in 2023 to 30,000 in 2024, according to our figures. Price was the main factor in this decline. Faced with this decline, Fiat took an important decision in the spring of 2024: to relaunch the 500 with a hybrid combustion engine.
A return to Italian roots
Unlike the previous hybrid version, manufactured in Poland, the new Fiat 500 hybrid will be produced at Mirafiori, Italy, alongside the electric version. This return to the brand's Italian origins is a powerful symbol. The 70 hp 1.0L engine, already present on other Fiat models such as the Panda, is manufactured at Termoli, another of the automaker's emblematic plants. This engine, part of the Firefly family, is designed to combine performance with low fuel consumption.
An attractive price
The big question that remained unanswered since the announcement of this new hybrid version was, of course, the price. Until recently, nobody really knew what to expect. The previous Fiat 500 Hybrid was priced at around €15,000, but with much more limited equipment and production in Poland. By comparison, the all-electric version started at €30,000, a high price that made some buyers hesitant.
In our interview with Guillaume Clerc, Head of Product Fiat and Abarth, we asked this crucial question. After a few moments' reflection, Mr Clerc revealed that the aim was to keep the new Fiat 500 hybrid under €20,000. A timely announcement that could well boost sales of this model. This very competitive price enables Fiat to offer an affordable hybrid car, while retaining modern equipment and Italian 100% manufacturing.
Cutting-edge technology at a tight price
In addition to its attractive price, the new Fiat 500 hybrid stands out for its latest-generation equipment. It will be equipped with Level 2 driving aids, with features such as a 360° camera, and an infotainment system compatible with Android Auto and Apple Car Play, a plus for those who like to be connected.
In short, with its new Fiat 500 hybrid, Fiat manages to combine technology, made in Italy, and affordability. From November 2025, buyers will be able to enjoy this small hybrid city car, made in Italy, with a 1.0L Firefly engine, while benefiting from modern equipment. Note to our Japanese and American readers who prefer automatic gearboxes, the new 500 hybrid will come with a manual gearbox.
Ich liebe die kleine Knutschkugel. Hatte schon den Panda, Cinquecento, Seicento, diese Kleinwagen sind ideal für Stadt und Überlandstrecken super, in den engen Gassen Italiens und Kroatiens sehr schön zu fahren
Für solch ein kleines Auto über 20,000, auf keinen Fall,!!!
Fahren einen Fiat 5oo mit 0,9 L / 2 Zylinder mit 86 PS.
Würden gerne einen mit der neuen Karosserie / Hybrid kaufen.
Meine Bedenken: Motor zu schwach ausgelegt.
Der 2-Zylider den wir fahren, ist im Verhältnis sicherlich eine Rakete!
Würde gerne wieder einen Fiat 500 kaufen, etwas Schub sollte jedoch sein.
Elektro kommt für uns nicht in Frage!
Yuhu! Das ist ein gutes Zeichen, wie werden die Karrosserieoptimierungen die strengen Sicherheitsstandards erreichen? Ist da schon etwas bekannt? Das interessiert mich sehr.
Manual gearbox only !!!!
Are really stupid at Stellantis🙄 qu'ils coulent alors . I was already thinking of this model for my daughter . In Bvm out of the question
Manual gearbox... but anything🤣
The old-generation Fiat 500 hybrid has a manual gearbox, as does the Panda (now Pandina), and no one has complained.
A manual gearbox isn't such a big drawback.
Eindeutig ein Rückschritt.
Den tollen "neuen" 500e jetzt mit einem Verbrenner aus zurüsten, furchtbar.
Es gibt jetzt schon Länder, die keinen Verbrenner mehr zulassen, für rückständige Länder extra eine Verbrenner Version auf zu legen ist Old School und wird sich rächen.
Fiat hätte sich ehr überlegen sollen, wie sie den Preis nach unten anpassen kann, so dass das Fahrzeug ab 25.000 verkauft werden kann. Andere Hersteller machen das ja untedessen vor.
Die Elektro Version des Fiat 500e ist eindeutig besser, als die Massenplattform von Stellantis. Diese gute Basis muss man nur überarbeiten, z. B. kostengünstige Batterie.
Gruss Andreas
Bonjour j'addore cette voiture rose ...mon souhait le plus cher est d'avoir une plus tard hybride ....en petite mensualités.... j'habite hennebont près de Lorient...amicalement Nathalie spatafora merci
Many UK drivers prefer an automatic gearbox these days. It's not just American and Japanese who no longer want a manual gearbox. Missed a trick Fiat.
Bin begeistert, dass Fiat beim Verbrenner bleibt. E- Autos ein Irrweg! Zuviel Ungelöste Probleme!
20,000€ for this little car and you think it's a bargain?
Let him do the same on the 600!
E tenerlo sotto I ventimila euro lo chiama successo, direi che se vuoi far numeri non deve superare i 16000euro altrimenti farà la fine della Abarth
Will there be a sliding sunroof version on the 3 door 500. What colours are available in the uk
Fiat hatte immer schon sehr schöne
Kleinwagen im Programm. Bin überzeugt, dass
diese Variante viele Käufer finden wird.
Mir gefällt auch, dass nicht jedes Auto - obwohl Kleinwagen - nicht immer gleich weit über 100 PS
haben muss! Eine Traditionsmarke wie Fiat muss einfach erfolgreich weiterleben, bei so vielen
wunderschönen Kleinwagenmodellen bisher -
Wünsche viel Erfolg!
I have a 2024 500e and in order to improve it for the United States market, the back seat needs to be eliminated and have it maximized for storage. Because this is truly a two-seater vehicle, it's not big enough to have a rear seat. The battery weight is too heavy so it needs a lighter weight battery more range And the price needs to be reduced about $10,000 if these things are done, it will sell. We don't need another gas powered car. Whether it's a hybrid or not, we have to get away from gas completely and a standard transmission will not sell here either it's just a waste of time and money to build a car that will not sell.
Manual gearbox ... it's completely stupid! People like me who have an electric city car don't have the slightest desire to go back to the manual gearbox ! Too bad in 3 years they'll force me to move to another brand after 4 fiat 500s!
Heavier, 70 hp, manual gearbox, not for me, I'll look elsewhere😩j
I see different information on other sites... in any case, if it's 70 hp and a manual gearbox, no thanks.
i asked the head of product fiat/abarth world level, just below olivier françois hierarchy level.
Mas terá caixa manual e automática (dual logic), ou só manual?
You mentioned the pure-tech 100 and 136 hp engines in previous articles. Has this engine finally been ruled out? No Abarth version either? It's going to be a bit complicated, 70 bhp ("performance"??) for a car that's heavier than its predecessor, which wasn't exactly a thunderbolt. What do you think?
Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think I mentioned a puretech in the 500 on this site. It would have seemed unlikely. Maybe on other sites