After the Topolino, Fiat also removes the Italian flag from the 600

The third episode in the tug-of-war between Stellantis and Italy takes a new turn. After the controversy surrounding thehe renaming of the Alfa Romeo Milano into a Juniorand the Fiat Topolino seized by Italian customsStellantis announces today that the Italian flag will also be removed from Fiat 600s. These vehicles, made in Poland at the same location as the Alfa Romeo Junior, are at the heart of an intense debate on "made in Italy".

This decision comes in a tense climate, with the Italian government becoming increasingly strict about the authenticity and origin of products bearing the "Italian" stamp. The Stellantis press release stresses that the removal of the Italian flag from the rear bumpers of the Fiat 600 was prompted by a desire to "improve the quality of our products". a desire for "total and absolute transparency" on where vehicles are manufactured. According to the group, this measure is intended to prevent any misunderstanding about the origin of products assembled abroad. However, the group maintains its legal position: "Stellantis is firmly convinced that it has always acted lawfully in this respect", the press release stresses.


This withdrawal is part of a wider conflict between Rome and Stellantis. The nationalist government of Giorgia Meloni openly criticizes the group for outsourcing the production of cars from historic Italian brands, such as Fiat and Alfa Romeo, in countries where production costs are lower.

Earlier this year, Stellantis had already bowed to government pressure by renaming the Alfa Romeo Milano, also made in Poland, the Junior. This decision followed a statement by the Italian Minister for Industry, Adolfo Urso, which had claimed that the name violated a law against "Italian-sounding" products falsely claiming to be made in Italy.


Last week, another controversy erupted when the Italian tax police seized over 130 Fiat Topolino minicars imported from Morocco. These vehicles had a sticker in the colors of the Italian flag on their doors, prompting accusations of deception as to their origin.

Stellantis points out that the colors of the Italian flag on the Fiat 600, as well as on the Topolino, were not the same. to "indicate the entrepreneurial origin of the product", designed and styled in Italy. The Group has always made it clear that the Fiat 600, launched last year, is assembled in Poland.



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  1. The sticker should read: made in Poland, designed in Italy on a Peugeot base, Peugeot chassis, Peugeot PureTech engine. That way, the consumer will have all the information. A little transparency wouldn't hurt.
    The same goes for all manufacturers, of course, Audi with VW chassis and engines, battery origin, etc...

  2. I don't think that the Italian flag or name on the JUNIOR , TOPOLINO or 600 are indispensable on the market. On the contrary, the brand image of products of Italian origin still suffers from a lack of image, so I consider this to be a good thing.

    • Italian products lack image?
      In many areas, Italians are the best in the world, for example in design, clothing, food, Italian cuisine (the average French restaurant is often mediocre, whereas a modest Italian trattoria serves delicious food), Ferrari sports cars, and the car industry (although in this area I recognize that the Germans have a better image, even if it's unjustified).
      Made in Italy is a big plus in many areas.

      • Design? In what fields?

        For the German brand image, of course it's justified, by decades of dominance in 80/90% of segments, although obviously today that's much less the case, with mediocre reliability.

        • For further information:

          The ssangyong TIVOLI is manufactured in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi, South Korea.

          Adolfo Urso is an ass ...cqfd

      • I'm only talking about cars, and nothing else.
        Just look at sales volumes over the past 10 years and you'll understand.

    • Italy is one of the world's leading tourist destinations, its capital being the capital of the Roman Empire and the seat of the Catholic Church, it is in many ways one of the world's centers. Its brands of automobiles, haute couture, jewelry and gastronomy are known the world over. In short: I don't share your opinion.

  3. While they're at it, they might as well remove the Alfa badges from the "Peugeot 2008 Avenger 600 Junior post Milano", because buyers might end up thinking they're driving an Alfa Romeo! Let's talk about the electronic components used in our Italian cars. Are they all made in Italy? And tires, etc... Where do we draw the line? Do we have the right to call an Opel Corsa Lancia when it's not (an Opel) because we're sitting on blue velvet that's supposed to remind us of the Gamma of the 70s?

  4. It's a tug-of-war in which the Italian government has only a "decorative" role, having no sovereignty levers at its disposal to oppose the relocation of production.

    This pseudo-setback from Stellantis is a hollow victory, albeit a step in the right direction...

    • Sie haben vollkommen Recht, ich fahre seit 1973 Alfa Romeo, und die Gewerkschaften haben Lancia Alfa und Autobiancchi in den Ruin getrieben ,Lancia wurde durch Streicks stark dezimiert und bei Alfa haben sie jegliche übername versuche von Ford vernichtet Alfa hatte zu meiner ab der Julia Super nurmehr Rostlauben zu den Verkäufern geschickt, Autobiancchi gibt es nicht mehr, erst seit die 155,156,und 156'er Modellen haben sie wieder Top Qualität, damals musste man schon ein eingefleischter Alfisti sein, aber die Mädels schätzten diesen Sound und das Aussehen so' sehr, und jetzt mit über 70 Jhren erinnert man sich gene an diese schönen Zeiten ,☀ aber Stellantis zeigt es ihnen jetzt wie der Hase läuft. Gruß aus Kufstein Tirol / Österreich

  5. Der Name Fiat steht doch viel mehr für die italienische Autoindustrie und für Italien als die kleine, schmale italienische Flagge im 600er Zeichen in der Heckschürze.
    Vielleicht kommt die italienische Ministerpräsidentin ja noch auf die Idee dass man auch den Schriftzug FIAT entfernen muss.
    Es gibt doch glaube ich nirgendswo noch etwas, dass komplett in dem Land Produziert wurde.

  6. Owner of a 2018 500X, I'd have to look up what country this 500X was made in?
    Regarding the current litigation, perhaps specifying "design in Italy" and even better in Italian (!) could have calmed the wrath of the Italian government!!!!
    But then again, relations are so strained between the Meloni government and Stellantis that it's likely that only a repatriation of production to Italy is the only acceptable option, at least politically! Economically, that's another story!

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