Here we are in November 2024 and to meet the 2025 deadline for CAFE regulations (Corporate Average Fuel Economy), France wants to ease sanctions imposed on carmakers in the event of non-compliance with CO2 thresholds. Antoine Armand, the French Minister of the Economy, made this request in an interview with Echoesindicating that France intends to propose to the European Union that the penalties be postponed or even cancelled. planned for car brands struggling to meet targets by 2025.
The CAFE 2025 law: increasingly stringent CO2 quotas
In force since 2021, the CAFE standard requires manufacturers to comply with average CO2 emissions for all new vehicles sold in Europe.. Currently, this threshold is set at 95 g/km, but by 2025 it should be lowered to 81 g/km, a reduction of 15 % that represents a challenge for many players in the sector. Those who fail to meet this quota face heavy fines, with a potential cost of €95 per excess gram of CO2 per vehicle sold.
The European trajectory for reducing CO2 emissions is aimed at the 50 g/km by 2030, and zero emissions by 2035This is the year from which only non-thermal vehicles will be authorized for sale. In the meantime, to meet the CAFE thresholds as early as 2025, manufacturers must speed up the transition to electric modelsIn France's view, this represents a major obstacle in a market that has not progressed as expected.
A lacklustre electric vehicle market: manufacturers worried
If the switch to electric was expected to intensify in Europe, the results show a slowdown: only 13.1 % of registrations from January to September 2024 are 100 % electric vehicles, well short of the 20 to 25 % target needed to meet future CAFE standards. There are several reasons for this slowdown: the end of government aidThese include social leasing subsidies in France and the end of ecological bonuses for businesses, as well as a lack of recharging infrastructure in some regions. For European households, the high acquisition cost of electric cars remains the main obstacle.
Manufacturers, through ACEA (Association des constructeurs européens d'automobiles), chaired by Renault CEO Luca de Meo, have expressed their concerns to Brussels. Luca de Meo warned that these requirements risk stifling industrial development and encouraging Asian competitors, more advanced in the production and sale of electric vehicles. In this context, France hopes to convince other European states to support its request flexibility to protect investment and jobs in the European automotive industry.
Stellantis: the rules have been known for a long time!
French demand could surprise, especially on the Stellantis. The group headed by Carlos Tavares has publicly stated that the CAFE rules have long been known and should not be changed, which the automakers must comply with. However, some flexibility could also work in their favor, especially at a time when hybrid car sales continue to dominate electric sales. Some examples, the new Alfa Romeo Junior sells mostly hybrid versions (75 % of sales) versus just 25 % for the 100 % electric model. A new Fiat 500 hybrid is due to be launched in 2025, not forgetting the new Fiat Grande Panda, which has just been launched in hybrid and electric versions.
A penalty that could weaken European investment
For Antoine Armand, Applying heavy fines as early as 2025 would penalize the efforts of European manufacturers and risk weakening them in the face of their Asian rivals. Indeed, these sanctions could represent billions of euros, impacting investment in R&D for advanced electric and hybrid solutions. The Minister explained that France's priority remains the decarbonization of the automotive industry, but without rushing manufacturers who have already made the switch to electric vehicles.
Electric cars only account for 13% of sales! In other words, there are a lot of brakes and it's not working.
The switch to all-electric cannot work; it's a consequence of the poor sales of electric models.
As for Tavares' refusal to postpone the CAFE standard, it proves once again that this executive only makes mistakes. What does Tavares want? Penalize European manufacturers and get consumers to buy Chinese cars?
I don't know if all-electricity can work, but business as usual doesn't work, as we're seeing right now in Valencia, but also in Syria and in our oceans: we need to drastically limit our CO2 emissions and, consequently, oil extraction. Of course, the EV industry is far from exemplary, but we must seek to improve it - by fuelling it with renewable energy, by reducing the impact of batteries and their components - rather than eliminating it. EVs are too expensive to buy and charge too slowly, but as I said a few days ago, industrialized solutions are now on the market, such as the CATL battery, which offers 400kms of range and recharges in less than a quarter of an hour at a fast terminal: in just a few years, we've halved the charging time. This type of higher-density battery installed on an e-308 is a revolution in terms of use and comfort: almost no running noise and torque always available at all engine speeds. As far as non-sport brands are concerned, it's incomparably better than any 4-cylinder that's ever been developed.
it would be a mistake to electrify!
Tutti vorrebbero auto elettriche, ed emissioni zero. La realta' pero' ci informa che la tecnologia non è ancora in grado di costruire auto con autonomia oltre i 400 Km, inoltre i tempi di ricarica sono ancora inaccettabili. Non dimentichiamo che i Km di autonomia che le case dichiarano sono puramente teorici, la realta' su strada incontra esigenze diverse, es. un climatizzatore acceso nei mesi estivi, il riscaldamento abitacolo in inverno , strade in salita per chi abita zone montuose, fari accesi ecc , diminuiscono anche molto i km dichiarati percorribili con una ricarica completa. Inoltre i punti di ricarica, non sono cosi' facili da trovare e talvolta non funzionanti.
Siamo tutti entusiasti che un'auto elettrica abbia emissioni zero, NON DIMENTICHIAMO CHE L'ELETTRICITA' DEI PUNTI DI RICARICA ARRIVA DA UNA CENTRALE ELETTRICA ALIMENTATA CON IDROCARBURI ( GASOLIO, NAFTE ECC. ), e se tutta Europa avesse solo auto elettriche , le Centrali Elettriche andrebbero in Tilt, non sarebbero cioe' in grado di soddisfare giornalmente le richieste di energia.
Speriamo tutti che il futuro ci permetta di avere batterie con ricariche accettabili, che i costi siano alla portata di tutti, e soprattutto che anche altri paesi si mettano sulla strada delle emissioni zero.
Per ora siamo ancora lontani da un mondo cosi' pulito.
Proportionally, there are very few long trips. For those who really do make very long journeys very often, a grand tourer will be able to cover the 1000 km of a long day with 2 or 3 15-minute stops (thanks to 800 volts), very acceptable indeed.
In summer, an electric car will be able to switch on the air conditioning before you get in, so the car will be cool and you won't have to crank up the air conditioning, which isn't very pleasant. In winter, the car will be defrosted and warm when you get in, so you don't have to scrape off the ice and turn up the heating, which isn't very pleasant. For mountain roads, it's very reassuring to arrive at the bottom of the mountain with a battery that's more charged than when you set off. There are now plenty of chargers everywhere, easy to find and powerful.
A given quantity of hydrocarbon will be put to much better use in a power plant that complies with standards, operates under optimum conditions and is staffed by qualified personnel with stringent controls, than in a combustion engine that often operates under unfavorable conditions in terms of temperature, efficiency and regulation. Given the very slow take-up of electric vehicles, the impact on production resources is very smooth.
It's very easy these days to find good electric vehicles at very attractive prices, and which will cost less than a long-term lease.
We all hope that the day when we can wait to cross at a red light without having to breathe in carcinogenic gases will soon be a thing of the past.
L'auto elettrica non vola per i costi davvero alti e perchè anche le utilitarie sono onerose. Certo gli sgravi fiscali, i costi di manutenzione bassissimi e la possibilità, per chi può, di caricare da casa dovrebbe incentivare. la verità è che case produttrici, dealers e venditori ci credono davvero poco!
I tempi di ricarica non sono l'ostacolo considerando che il 75% della popolazione ha una percorrenza giornaliera che richiede una ricarica a settimana, che se fatta in occasione della spesa presso un centro commerciale diventa anche gratuita. La produzione di elettricità non è tutta green, ma la direzione a me sembra corretta.
Certo ci fossero EV con meno KW e più cittadine, con possibilità di acquisto ad un prezzo poco superiore alla stessa versione termica, sono convinto, avremmo più vetture a zero impatto CO2. L'alternativa fino al 2035 sarebbero vetture di cilindrata inferiore a 500 CC, ma chi le acquisterebbe?
Io guido un auto aziendale, ho provato diverse Ev di diversi produttori e me ne sono innamorato. Ho richiesto un EV e non vedo l'ora di poterla finalmente guidare.