Are you planning to buy a new or used Peugeot car?
You already have a Peugeot car and you want to know if you are paying too much for your insurance and compare?
ItalPassion offers you its comparison ofcar insurance and explain to you how you can save on the price of your Peugeot insurance.

In just a few clicks, the simulator will compare more than 60 insurers, using the information you provide about your profile and the model of your Peugeot. You will get a non-binding quote and you can compare and choose the insurance that offers the best guarantees at the best price.
Peugeot car insurance comparator

Italpassion has teamed up with an expert car insurance broker to offer you advice and negotiate the best prices for insuring your Peugeot car. Receive personalized, no-obligation quotes using the form below.
According to our experience, you can save up to 45 % on the price of your current insurance contract. Note that you should not necessarily choose the cheapest car insurance but the one that offers the best guarantees for the best price: windshield damage, replacement vehicle, deductible, ... you should compare.
Peugeot insurance rates by model
You already have a Peugeot car or you are planning to buy one? New or used? From which year? Petrol or diesel?
Find below Insurance comparators for Peugeot by model with the average price for each of them.
- Peugeot 106
- Peugeot 206
- Peugeot 306
- Peugeot 406
- Peugeot 107
- Peugeot 207
- Peugeot 307
- Peugeot 607
- Peugeot 208
- Peugeot 308
- Peugeot 408
- Peugeot 508
- Peugeot 2008
- Peugeot 3008
- Peugeot 5008
Cheap Peugeot insurance
Some Peugeots are cheaper to insure than others. The two main criteria are the power of the vehicle and also the risk of theft.
According to many rankings, the cheapest Peugeot to insure are :
- Peugeot 107 1.0L
- Peugeot 208 1.4L
- Peugeot 308 1.6L
Count between 350 € and 500 € to insure these vehicles. These vehicles are not very powerful and have a low risk of loss for insurers.
To lower the price of the insurance even more you can play on other factors:
- the location of the garage (on the street, private parking, closed garage)
- third party or all risks
If you want to know more about how to significantly lower the price of your car insurance, check out our file dedicated to cheap car insurance.
Peugeot sports insurance
Peugeot is not a brand with a sporting vocation, except for a few iconic models such as the Peugeot 205 GTI, which is now a real collector's item.
Among the most powerful Peugeot vehicles we can list the Peugeot RCZ with 270 hp and more recently the Peugeot 508 PSE with 360 hp.
These two vehicles are considered as sporty and will be more expensive to insure. Some insurances might even refuse to insure you if you have too much malus or if you don't have enough years of licence.
That's why an insurance comparison tool will save you time by listing insurance companies that are willing to insure you. To learn more, check out our guide to sports car insurance.
Peugeot young driver insurance
A young driver is someone who has had a driving license for less than 3 years. In this case, there are cars that are more suitable for young drivers both in terms of use and insurance.
Some Peugeots are highly sought after by young drivers: Peugeot 206, Peugeot 306, Peugeot 207, Peugeot 307 and, for those with a little more money, the Peugeot 208 and Peugeot 308. These are very manageable cars.
For these vehicles, it is also interesting to compare the price of car insurance because often, young drivers don't have much money and saving several tens of euros per month on car insurance is important.
What's the best insurance for your Peugeot?
If you've followed our advice carefully, you'll have understood that the choice of insurance depends on a number of criteria: your means, the model of Peugeot, its value and condition, where you live, the number of kilometers you drive each year, and so on.
There's no such thing as the best insurance, but there are a few that come up a lot: direct assurance, Maaf, Macif, Thelem, Matmut, Allianz, Axa... and more recently, there are new insurers like Leocare, Lovys and Flitter. For young people, you can insure yourself with Ornikar. It's up to you to decide whether you want to place your trust in experienced companies or in the more disruptive ones. The latter are generally cheaper and/or offer new services such as video diagnosis with a mechanic.