Since the creation of Stellantis, expectations of the Group's brands, and in particular electrification, have evolved considerably. In 2027, the Alfa Romeo was to become 100 % electric. However, the latest news from the brand is a little different.
Switching to electric, yes, but with hybrids
The model Juniorjust launched, marked a turning point by being the first model 100 % electric from Alfa Romeo, while also being offered in a hybrid version. This model introduced the brand to all-electric motorization. Today, however, all eyes are on Alfa Romeo's new Stelvio and GiuliaThe electric version will be the priority.
Initially, the strategy 100 % electric for Alfa Romeo seemed clear. However, this approach has been nuanced recently, notably during the Paris Motor Show in Paris in 2024. Alfa Romeo officials had unofficially indicated that from hybrid versions will eventually be incorporated into future modelsThis was a pragmatic decision to ensure the brand's survival, particularly after it became clear that the majority of the Junior's orders are in the hybrid thermals.
Then, at the Brussels Motor Show in January 2025, the new Alfa Romeo CEO, Santo Ficiliconfirmed that the brand would continue its electric drive. However, he added that hybrid versions of the future Stelvio and Giulia will be available, but not immediately. Priority will be given to engines 100 % electricfollowed by hybrid versions. According to Ficili, this decision was taken for the following reasons investment and planning.
"We'll start with electric motors first, then hybrids for reasons of investment, planning and compliance with the new emissions limits." Santo Ficili - CEO Alfa Romeo
Alfa Romeo prefers to focus on electric vehicles firstwhich has benefited from massive investment. The timing of this strategy is also linked to the development of production capacity at Stellantis, notably with the Hungarywhere electric motor production 800V is scheduled to come on stream in early 2026.
The Stelvio hybrid: an unavoidable delay
So when will we see a Stelvio hybrid ? If the teams responsible decided in 2024 that this model should ultimately also be a hybrid in addition to electric, the answer seems obvious: probably not before 2026. The hybrid version of the Stelvio could be powered by the 1.6L EP6 Gen3 PHEVwhich can already be found on models such as the Peugeot 3008 and 5008where it develops 195 hp. However, Alfa Romeo could offer more powerful versions, in line with the performance expected of the brand's models.
195hp from a 1.6L PureToc, on a platform like the STLA-Large, is not even conceivable for a balanced mind...
Richtig! Da muss noch viel mehr möglich sein. So an die 300 PS finde ich angemessen!
Ich halte eine vollkommene Umstellung auf Elektroantrieb für einen Fehler.
Vielmehr sollten Verbrennerantriebe zusammen mit den Treibstoffen hinsichtlich Schadstoffausstoß maximal optimiert werden.
Es werden bei der E - Mobilität bei einer Zunahme der Menge an Fahrzeugen gigantische Steigerungen von elektrischer Energie erforderlich. Schont das die Umwelt⁉️
I think it would be a mistake to stay with combustion engines. There has already been far too much investment in this obsolete technology, which is producing fewer and fewer improvements in terms of pollutant emissions. Electric mobility will enable us to use energy sources much more efficiently and reduce overall resource consumption. This protects the environment!
Bobo comments, no idea
Die EU will das CO2 durch Verbrennerverbot senken um die Welt zu retten.
Trump tritt aus dem Klimaabkommen aus und die USA ist nach China der größte CO2 verschmutzer.
Good evening, when I read this article, I can only be disappointed, I had hoped that the departure of Carlos Tavares would be beneficial for the Italian brands. But when I see the electrification plan for the Stelvio and the guilias, if they want to kill Alfa, they're on the right track.
This is intolerable
Stellantis is like an ocean liner, even with the captain gone, you don't change direction that easily. Inertia.
Tavares has only taken decisions that are unfavorable for the Group (but favorable for him and the shareholders), and for the time being, and for another 5 years easily, everything that is presented will derive directly or indirectly from him.
But are people like Elkann or Imparato aware that in 2025 there's no room for non-quality?
They won't kill anything, there will be hybrid versions.
All brands will make the transition to new energies
The negative comments on this site give the impression that we are not at ItalPassion but at ItalDestruction.
Do we have the right to say what we think as Alfists, or should we just applaud whatever Stellantis decides?
When you think it's good, you say so, and when you think it's bad, you say so too, and yet you're still passionate about Italian cars. I don't know many sites that give as much information as iltalpassion on Italian cars.
Given the difficult sales of electric cars, this means starting the careers of the Stelvio and Giulia with a ball and chain.
As for the 1.6 PureTech of the 3008 and 5008, even with more power than 195hp, putting it in an Alfa Romeo is a disgrace.
The only thing left to do is keep the real Alfa Romeo or buy used, because Alfa Romeo's future can't please the alfists.
As a reminder, the PureToc 1.6L is based on the 1.6L THP released in 2006 for the Mini and 207...
Peugeot 207 engine in a Stelvio 2 released in 2025...
Grande PSA.
Alfa Romeo all'Audi che già possiede Ducati. Questa è l'unica salvezza per il marchio.
But please, sell Alfa Romeo to competent people, to BMW for example, it's the best thing to do to save this former automotive flagship!
And do you really think a brand like bmw gives a damn about alfa?
Like the song: Mais oui mais oui! But no, but no! And all the while, sales are more miserable than ever! Europeans don't know how to make cars anymore. They're either ugly, overpriced or technologically out of date... Bravo!
Alfa killt sich gerade selber. Gottseidank gibt es noch ein paar echte Alfas am Gebrauchtwagen Markt......z.B.: Violin of Arese V6 is the Best.....F.... the Rest
Wo bleibt der großartige V6, den Alfa noch im Programm hat? Als Hybrid müssten über 600 PS drinnen sein, ohne dass der Wagen zum Schwergewicht wird. WLTP 2,0 l/100km. Das wär's dann. Bitte nicht kleckern, sondern klotzen. Die anderen machen es ja auch
Na ,ein V6 ist vergangenheit leider.
The current giulia and stelvio have never sold, even though they are universally praised for their aesthetic and mechanical qualities.
It's hard to believe that the new versions will achieve the same level of success and sales, especially with less popular engines.
Schade, dass man ein Peugeot im Kleid eines Alfa's verkauft. Ich hatte einen Stelvio QV, aber jetzt will ein puristisches Auto fahren und nicht einen Franzosen. Es verwundert mich nicht leider hat's gut begonnen und jetzt ist die Automarke nur noch ein Schatten - unbedeutend und nimmt niemand richtig war. Danke Stellantis und seinem CEO, was so eine Marke bedeutete.