ItalPassion offers you to find the best price for your Maserati car insurance with the best guarantees thanks to the comparator below.
This comparator which takes only a few clicks will propose according to your profile and your model of Maserati the most suitable insurance for your needs, at the best prices.
Maserati insurance comparison
Italpassion has teamed up with an expert car insurance broker to offer you advice and negotiate the best prices for insuring your Italian car. Receive personalized, no-obligation quotes using the form below.
Compare insurance quotes for Maserati - it's free and there's no obligation!. A simulation is carried out, and depending on a number of criteria (new Maserati, used Maserati, deductible, premium, malus, bonus, etc.) a list of insurers suited to your situation will be proposed, with prices. This online car insurance simulation is valid for all Maseratis: 3200 GT, GranSport, GranCabrio, GranTurismo, Ghibli, Quattroporte, Levante, the MC20 and the recent Grecale SUV.
Compare rates, and we'll advise you on coverage, options, deductibles, assistance cases, etc.
The sports car brands generally do not travel far and are often sheltered so statistically, there are fewer claims, fewer accidents... So the insurance is cheaper for the cars of these manufacturers compared to the rest of the car market! It would be a pity to pay too much by taking the first proposed insurance !
Maserati insurance rates by model
Do you already know which Maserati car you are going to buy? Is it new? Used? From what year? Owning a prestigious Italian car from the trident brand founded by the Maserati brothers is often a dream. Find below Insurance comparators for Maserati to have the price list by model.
The average prices observed can range from 1000 € to 2000 € per year depending on a third party or all risk contract.
The price of your Maserati's insurance will depend on its value (whether it is new or used, your insurer will ask you for its price), its parking (exterior, interior, secured...), the department, your bonus/malus, the use (daily, pro, personal and weekend), and the various additional services such as the replacement vehicle or the advance payment in case of damage.
As an example, the insurance of a Maserati Granturismo S of 2009, in all risks, with a good bonus is 90 € / month.
Maserati car insurance for young drivers
Italian cars are a dream and a young driver could be tempted by an Italian car. They are beautiful, high-end, sporty... Is this your case? Read on.
Note that a young driver is considered to be a holder of a driver's license for less than 3 years. Some Maserati are highly sought after by young drivers. For a reason of price and fiscal power, the Maserati 3200 GT, 4200, GranCoupe and GranSport are the most sought after and the easiest to insure for young drivers. These are powerful models that make almost 400 hp with the magical sound of the Italian V8 of Ferrari origin.
However not all insurance companies insure luxury cars, sports cars or prestige, and even when this is the case, some do not insure under a certain age or young drivers. It's not impossible, but you'll be paying well above average insurance rates. If you've spotted a Maserati for sale, consider checking to see if you'll be able to insure it with our comparator.